Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fire Water

I come from a family of bartenders. My brother, my father, my father’s father and the father before him all lived behind the bar. Drinking and alcohol is a part of my family's culture. We take great pride in the family bar and respect the “spirits” that has supported my family for generations. Thusly I was taken aback by my waiter at an Indain restaurant when he told me he didn’t know which beer I should drink with my meal. I nicely asked why, curious to the possibility of a server being unaware of the beers from his homeland. He told me he was Muslim and did not drink. Embarrassed I picked a beer and thanked him. I felt guilty about not being culturally sensitive. I assumed because everyone in my family drinks that we all must. I became hypersensitive and started reviewing all my actions. Curious if I was making any more cultural mistakes. I forgot how to eat, because I heard that in India they often eat with there hands. However, I have never been to India to see for myself. So, I don’t know if that’s true or if was only certain parts of India. The food was really spicy and I began to sweat I was confused, worried, and laden with guilty so I chugged my beer paid and left.
One needs culture to feel comfort and give social clues of what to do in situations.
One must be culturally aware of others especially if they become crippled by guilt.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

In the begining

A long time ago a human like creature left the branches of trees forever in hope of something more. This creature died out. But another creature developed out of this first expedition, and became MAN. This new creature "man" would soon take over of the earth, and in a short amount of time was found in a Hospital in Georgia in 1986. On that faithful February day two more of the creatures were created. A set of twin boys were born. I was one of these twins.
In the Georgia red clay I grew to adolescence. Those joyful years were spent watching Braves Baseball and basking in wonderful weather, but like my ancient ancestor before me I wanted something more. I migrated to a distant land known as New York. Here I studied the craft of Acting. Soon broke, survival became the goal, and I landed a job backstage on the Martha Stewart Show. After years of servitude my Martha flame was flickering, and the time had come to embark on a new journey. While I have an idea of what this journey is all I truly know is education is the first leg of this new path.