Tuesday, September 14, 2010

In the begining

A long time ago a human like creature left the branches of trees forever in hope of something more. This creature died out. But another creature developed out of this first expedition, and became MAN. This new creature "man" would soon take over of the earth, and in a short amount of time was found in a Hospital in Georgia in 1986. On that faithful February day two more of the creatures were created. A set of twin boys were born. I was one of these twins.
In the Georgia red clay I grew to adolescence. Those joyful years were spent watching Braves Baseball and basking in wonderful weather, but like my ancient ancestor before me I wanted something more. I migrated to a distant land known as New York. Here I studied the craft of Acting. Soon broke, survival became the goal, and I landed a job backstage on the Martha Stewart Show. After years of servitude my Martha flame was flickering, and the time had come to embark on a new journey. While I have an idea of what this journey is all I truly know is education is the first leg of this new path.


  1. This was an amazing introduction Kevin. I'm curious to know what your major is at Baruch given that you're interests and your past experiences. I really look forward to reading more posts from your blog and wish you look on your journey.

  2. Hi Kevin! Are you a writer as well? I had fun reading your story. I'm actually also interested in acting, and have always dreamnt of becoming a singer or actress someday. I think it's really cool that you worked backstage on the Martha Stewart Show, that must have been some experience. I wish you every success on your new journey, and that you'll overcome any obstacle in your path. I also hope I'll get to know you better through your blog (or in class). Good luck!

  3. Hey Kevin. That is very interesting to hear that you worked for Martha Stuart. That sounds like a very exciting job, were you definetley met plenty of well connected people. It sucks to hear that you left this job. But I wish you luck in your future career.

  4. Your intro was quite interesting to read. Its awesome that you were able to work on the Martha Stewart show, it must have been a great experience and you probably got to meet many people famous or not. Good luck...
