Saturday, December 11, 2010

For the Love of Management: A Pledge

This is my Pledge… My Management Pledge

When I think of the ethics of my choices I will consider my Family.
When I ponder on my decisions I will find larger issues and not dwell on the symptoms
When I am faced with Risk I will evaluate how I can lead.
When I confuse others I will find other communication channels.
When I evaluate my jobs I will discover they must work in congruence.
When I consider my future I will look to making it Flat and Organic.

This is My Pledge…My Management Pledge


  1. hey couldnt find you on facebook. I dont want to post Julian's address here, to invite you to that party hes having... send me an email or add me there so i can send you the info. or sanjana.chowdhury@b

  2. i like your poem, it's similar in its length to a haiku...short, but meaningful's interesting that when it comes to making decisions you consider your family, but in my case I usually consider what is good for me first, because if something is good for me it is automatically good for my family.
    as for the congruence at work it is important to evaluate oneself's performance because this will lead to future improvement and productivity.
    Overall, you said a lot in this poem and you sound very balanced.
