Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Administrator

            I have been given many personality tests over the last six years, and they all read the same. I love rules!!! I was a C type which makes perfect sense because I like maintaining the structured order of preexisting institutions and analyses there function to discover what make them better. What I think is interesting is my great passions theatre and acting are creative and unpredictable field. That perhaps I wish I was more of dominating type because it would serve an actor well to be dominating things like the stage or auditions. So what I have been discovering about myself is that to find happiness I need to explore other aspect of Theatre like working for institutions of theatre in the managerial sense which is the reason I am in this class. That through a test like these I have discovered a better understanding of my career goals that will lead me to happiness.


  1. Dear Michael. I don't know you well, but I will draw my conclusions from your activity in the class. I think that you have a great leadership potential! First time i noticed that was when we were discussing our curve for the first exam. I remember how you stood up and mentioned individual learning abilities of everyone and something about the statistics. You were so eloquent and effective as a speaker, that it made me think of you as a leader. When you were speaking people actually were quiet, which that was very unusual for the situation of chaos that existed in the classroom. Another example i may recollect - is a class activity where you were giving us directions to draw a figure. I also think that you were very effective, tactful, expressive as a leader of a group. So from these two examples I would draw a conclusion that you a Influence type with conscientiousness side. In my opinion when it comes to acting, however, it seems like C type (which requires attention and accuracy for a role) would feel comfortable in a role of an actor. But it's also true that the biggest actors have either dominance or influence type - they set themselves free from the conventions of a traditional acting. I think that you are on the right track, though, because you definitely have a gift to persuade people. Good luck with everything!

  2. Well the test shows what type of manager you are so maybe it is logical that you go by the rules in everything you do. However, it is also possible that you work in unpreditable field such as acting and be good at it because you as a peson are able to go into one's shoes and be someone else. As a type C you watch for details and you are able to see things other cannot.

  3. I think C type is exactly you. I think it was observable when we had our communication exercise when you described the shapes slowly and accuratly. You were afraid to miss some details and took the time to be precise with what you say...

  4. Hey Kevin, based on the class activity where you had to give directions, I can say that you are very organized. Even though the directions were made v. hard, I think that you were very effective: you were clear and you put effort to give out every direction in detail.

  5. I love rules too!!!! And I'm a D. At the same time I can relate to C very well and frankly think I am a good mix of both. I too remember very well when you proposed idea about our exam and that was surely your D side coming out. Perhaps you too a mix of both!
