Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Working Ape Also Dreams.

The desire to be full-filled as I have gotten old has become more coherent. Yet, it still is murky that is why I went back to school to develop some ideas of a path to take to my future. What I have discovered is there are many more paths, and thousand different visions. But the glorious thing I have discovered about my future is that I am ok with whatever I am doing as long as I am with people I care about, and whatever I am doing is full filling. Here are some things that I have found that give me joy, and some specific steps to reach them. 

1. I would like to be creating and/or performing professional theatre. Acting or administrating in the Not for profit theatre world either: regionally, in New York or abroad. To be creating theatre that was current and important is the goal. After graduations I plan on auditioning and interning at theatres in New York, and also studying the craft of acting at conservatory or go on to get a masters in acting or in Theatre Management.

2. I want to volunteer abroad. To volunteer and live abroad would have an impact on my life that I can not fully comprehend. It would challenge me to work on skills that I myself am challenged with mainly langue. It would also give me a chance to work on teaching. I have been gaining knowledge on teaching English abroad programs and have been speaking with friends and loved ones who have spent time volunteering in places like Peru and India. 

3. To teach. Being dyslexic I would love to help other students with learning disabilities and special needs. To learn about the brain and the process of learning to educate others on how to better teach theses students would be endlessly fulfilling. Also teaching theatre to students has always been in the back of my mind. I would have to go back to school to learn more about this field which is where I would turn to CUNY.     


  1. After being able to see a couple of Broadway shows with my acting class in high school, I realized it's pretty amazing to be in the world of professional theatre. You should definitely try to get a role somewhere after you graduate. Maybe one day we'll see you on Broadway. Perhaps after many years of performing, you can settle down and teach theatre to aspiring students.

  2. I think that it is such an amazing experience to go abroad and teach in another country. I was actually planning on going to either Croatia or to South America to teach English two summers ago, but scheduling did not work out. In the student org that I am in, we actually facilitate sending students abroad to do internships and specifically we have a lot of opportunities for teaching English in India, South Africa, China, and many other countries. If you are interested let me know. I know many people who have said that it was one of the most fulfilling and enriching experiences of their lives and I definitely plan on going in the near future as well.

  3. Thats a very interesting plan to volunteer abroad. I am from a foreign country, Nepal, where English is a second language. However, I had an opportunity to study in a missionary school and it was run by the Sisters from US and some teachers were from here as well. From my personal experience, it was always different and a great experience to have been lectured by foreign teachers. I wish you luck with everything and hope you can achieve your goals soon! :)

  4. We need more people devoted to the theatre. I say go for it!
    --prof K

  5. I think it's incredibly admirable for someone to volunteer abroad to teach english. oftentimes the host countries are developing nations where the young generation does not get much exposure to another language other than their native tongue. I have a few friends who have done so and they say that the experience was absolutely amazing. So i say go for it!

    I also wanted to note how nice it is to see someone in baruch who is interested in something outside of stocks and bonds. it's always refreshing to meet individuals who are passionate about the arts! i tip my hat to you, my friend :D
