Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Humpty Dumpty

Our Egg broke. With the time constraint and the lack of egg physics knowledge it’s hard to say if our planning was the direct reason that we did not accomplish the goal. Yet in retrospect there are way we could have planned more effectively that may or may not have lead to a better outcome.
If we did not succeed because of poor planning it was because we glanced over step 1. We knew the general direction and time restrictions, but we lacked specificity. If we had been more specific with the direction of our plan then that would have informed our development and perhaps had lead to a better design. Also there was an idea of where we needed to be in correlation with the time but nothing specific that we could turn to.
Again we glanced over Steps 2 and went straight to step 3. Quickly looking at the resources we jumped to designs. I feel our step three went well and was our biggest strength. We discussed every idea going through about four or five designs. We discussed weaknesses and benefits of each one and decide on what was the strongest proposal. Although if he we spent more time looking at the given resources it could have better informed our design. Yet, interestingly enough after we settled on a design we went back to step two to find our strengths and weakness as a group. This planning helped determine group roles in step four.
Our step four was not very specific. After we chose our design it was easy to determine role and sequence of actions, but there were very little alterative discussed. This became a large problem in implementing the plan. Our only alterative or contingency was to just tape it.
Our final step was rather amazing. We ran into problems that were not considered. This showed that we had some flaws in our plan, but we toke some amazing corrective actions and revised the plan as need. First the straws were not cooperating with our design bringing our one contingency into play. We taped it and it worked, but then we discovered builder’s fingers were to big to complete the plan. This is were everyone stepped up and switched roles to accomplish the goal. Personally I was rather impressed by our team for the sudden shift did not affect the out come of the plan. I felt like our team was one of the first teams done within the time limit, our egg carriage looked like what we planned, and we fulfilled all the requirements to not get disqualified.
We could have looked at our direction and our resources more specifically which could have informed on a better design. We could have hashed out the seemly obvious which could have had led to more success. Yet, we communicated well we thought out logically our premises and at crunch time we all contributed which is kind of amazing.  

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