Wednesday, October 6, 2010


My team’s egg broke. While not all out destroyed it was still cracked and leaking to my team’s despair.  I blame the egg not my team.

My group communicated rather well and our planning session went smoothly. We went through four designs and contrasted there strengths and weakness in a rather calm and enjoyable manner. We laid out which steps to do in a rather specific order. The design we settled on determined most of the roles, but the others positions happened organically with people stepping up as needed. When the builder in construction discovered his fingers were too big someone stepped up to help.
It was fun and I with a second try maybe a better result.


  1. Does this blog entry comply with the assignment? Maybe you;d like to revisit that?
    --prof K

  2. I have put up a new post.That complys more with assignment.
